Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The good the bad and the ugly

Hi guys! Looks like i left you hangin for over a month now :/ yeah... my bad. Anyways I have two reasons for that.

1. I have been really busy. Life here is getting to be pretty routine and normal now but it still takes me a really long time to do anything. Partly because I am a little shy. But it's about time I got over that huh? I think most the people here are much more afraid of me than I am of them. Funny this just made me remember that one of my goals when coming here was to get over being shy. ah well.. everything takes time.

2. It is getting harder to blog because I am not always O.O anymore. Things here are becoming more routine so when I see a crazy big street filled with thousands of people and 10 floors of different shops and restaurants in every direction I am no longer staring at it for 5 minutes so my brain can comprehend it. I am getting used to living here. I think that is a good thing though ^_^

So I actually have a lot I could talk about right now. I normally just let my thoughts flow without any structure into this blog, so lets see what comes out.

First I wanted to make sure everyone had the real story on how I am doing and feeling about Korea.

I love it here! I really really really love it here. I want to stay here for a long time, I think. BUT that being said there are definitely days where I am extremely frustrated. Christmas was the first time I seriously considered packing up my bags and heading home. I get annoyed when people go some place and they just brag about how awesome it is all the time non-stop because you know that cant really be true. As with any place there are great things and there are difficult things.

A difficult thing would be work, or more specifically my boss. He is a decent sort of guy but simply he is only concerned with himself and his business. So he gives me 1 day warning before my vacations and then extends them in the middle of the vacation. Also I beg for him to give me less hours because my kids are little energy suckers that bleed me dry but of course the next day he just slaps down a new schedule with more hours on it. . <

Other than that, there is just the culture shock value to everything. It can make life very exhausting sometimes. I want to do something simple like get a gift for a friend or get a haircut or deposit a little bit of money in an account but... Well all those things are full day tasks and I often put them off because they are soooo difficult and embarrassing.

You tired of hearing me complaining yet? Yeah I am tired of it too. I made a decision the other day that I am completely done complaining. Especially to my Korean friends. They do such a good job taking care of me and helping me out when they have no benefit from doing so.
(oh no more complaining coming!)
That is another thing that annoys me! My friends here are so great but I might as well be a helpless child because I dont know how to do anything. For example I have these 2 friends from church that I talked about earlier in the blog who I have been looking to buy gifts for but its been over a month and I am still empty handed :( I have gone to the shopping stores looking for them many times but they are a little paticular about the clothes they wear and most other things I dont understand. >.<

puff... well I am done complaining! It doesnt do anybody any good, including myself. I used to complain every saturday about having to work but enough of that. Sorry I just wanted to show you that traveling and/or living ones dream doesnt mean there wont be very difficult things along the way.

I am just trying to give you a real picture of what it is like over here. All that being said I still love Korea and I have no regrets in coming here. I have learned more than I ever thought possible here and I am making friends. Everyone here is soooo nice to me even though I can't really speak their language. They all just accept me and include me. Infact they do more than that, they go out of their way to help me. (well especially my church friends, they are the best).

You could probably tell I wrote this right after finishing work. ^_^

Yeah well I must say, I had a wonderful Christmas (after the whole [insert swear words here please] boss thing finished and I met all my friends at church after a 2 hour bus ride through snow). And I look forward to having a great new years too!

Oh and by the way in Korea i am turning 24 years old on January 1st! (their age system is pretty neat) So I cant wait to tell my brother I caught up to him. yeah quite difficult to understand. well hit me up on skype or Facebook. I promise I will throw a few more posts up soon. I have to write about Myeong Dong and Christmas and other fun things! I will post a new one soon I promise!

Peace 안녕

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